PROMOS business partner anonymisation
Easily anonymise personal data from SAP® business partners
When it comes to protecting personal data, companies are subject to the laws of the EU General Data Protection Regulation, which comprehensively describe the right to information and the right to erasure or “to be forgotten”, among other things. However, anonymisation procedures make it possible to use sensitive data without jeopardising the privacy of individuals in your database.
Specifically for this purpose, PROMOS offers a solution package consisting of helpful reports that support companies in the legally compliant handling of personal data of business partners in SAP®. These include an anonymisation report and an information report for business partner data. The basis is a well thought-out deletion and blocking concept that regulates the processing of personal data in your company, for example when a data record must be deleted or anonymised. This can be dependent on statutory retention periods or due to open business processes.

The General Data Protection Regulation grants natural persons the right to information on their personal data as well as a right to be forgotten, meaning the deletion of their data. Data processing entities should also pseudonymise data for the purpose of data minimisation and data protection and when using data for a different purpose than was originally intended. PROMOS provides a comprehensive package to implement all these requirements:
Anonymisation reports
To comply with Article 17 GDPR, the following four anonymisation reports are used to delete and anonymise all personal data in the business partner’s SAP® system:
- Cleaning up fields concerning the business partner
- Anonymising the business partner’s data
- Anonymising SEPA mandates
- Deleting archive documents
These can function independently of each other. Report 1 is used, for example, to delete certain fields, such as bank data, which cannot be deleted in the main report 2. On the one hand, this report is run in preparation before report 2 in order to anonymise specific fields in advance. On the other hand, this report can be run individually and independently in order to anonymise certain business partner data at different deletion periods, i.e. during the year. For example, it is possible to delete a business partner’s bank data after three years of storage, while other personal data of the business partner is stored for a further seven years in accordance with commercial law.
Evaluation list
The solution also includes the option of generating a list containing an overview of all completed simulations, anonymisations and errors as well as anonymisations prevented due to technical checks. Due to its completeness, this evaluation list can be used as proof for auditors or data protection officers, for example. After a successful simulation run and approval, business partners can also be anonymised directly from the list.

Existing contracts and/or business partners can be searched for according to various criteria using the “Personal data of business partner” tile.

The PROMOS information report provides a CSV file for data export.

In addition, the PROMOS information report offers the option of generating a PDF file or an OPCC letter.

An analysis of all successful simulations, anonymisations and errors as well as anonymisations prevented by technical reviews can be generated in a list format. This can be used for verification purposes.

The simulation run in the PROMOS anonymisation report allows you to check the admissibility of an anonymisation.
![]() Existing contracts and/or business partners can be searched for according to various criteria using the “Personal data of business partner” tile. |
![]() The PROMOS information report provides a CSV file for data export. |
![]() In addition, the PROMOS information report offers the option of generating a PDF file or an OPCC letter. |
![]() An analysis of all successful simulations, anonymisations and errors as well as anonymisations prevented by technical reviews can be generated in a list format. This can be used for verification purposes. |
![]() The simulation run in the PROMOS anonymisation report allows you to check the admissibility of an anonymisation. |
Further information
- Customising: The reports can be adapted to individual requirements at any time. For example, special roles for deleting or anonymising data are conceivable.
- Information report: This provides a detailed overview of stored information in PDF or CSV format. Alternatively, you can use OPCC to create a letter with the information, the design of which can be customised on request.
- Information via app: Tenants like things to be uncomplicated and like to use online solutions or apps with self-service functions for communication. For this purpose, data protection information for tenants can be set up in the easysquare tenant app.
- Master data clean-up: Anonymising business partners also makes inconsistencies in your master data visible. PROMOS provides you with various tools for corrections:
- Checking and adding the bank ID
- Deleting or replacing values using a preliminary deletion tool
- Deleting SEPA mandates in the business partner master record
- Deleting the bank ID and SEPA mandates in the rental contract master record
- Checking and adding the bank ID
Your benefit
Clear rules: Although the data protection provisions are laid down in law, it is up to companies themselves to arrange the actual compliance with these laws. PROMOS solutions for data protection create a binding framework.
Automation: The available reports reduce the required workload to a minimum by deleting data automatically based on specific rules.
Individualisation: No matter what your requirements are, PROMOS can develop bespoke concepts for you and take care of the technical implementation.
- BGW Bielefelder Gesellschaft für Wohnen und Immobiliendienstleistungen mbH
- Dawonia Management GmbH
- GBG – Mannheimer Wohnungsbaugesellschaft mbH
- GEBAG Duisburger Baugesellschaft mbH
- HOWOGE Wohnungsbaugesellschaft mbH
- KoWo Kommunale Wohnungsgesellschaft mbH Erfurt
- LWB Leipziger Wohnungs- und Baugesellschaft mbH
- ProPotsdam GmbH
- TAG Immobilien AG
- VEBOWAG Vereinigte Bonner Wohnungsbau AG
- Volkswagen Immobilien GmbH
- Vonovia SE
End user
- Real estate management
- Customer support
- Accounts receivable/accounts payable
- Data protection officer
- Data protection coordinators
Technical requirements
- SAP® ERP 6.0
Please contact us:
PROMOS consult Projektmanagement,
Organisation und Service GmbH
Rungestraße 19
10179 Berlin-Mitte