Property management of the city Braunschweig
- portfolio: 400 commercial units with 900 properties
- number of user: 343
- version: SAP®-Release 4.7 with financials extensions (RE-FX) based on best practice for the management of municipal properties and real estate PROMOS.CITY
- carrier of data centre: KOSYNUS® GmbH
Michael Knobbe: It’s time to create a holistic concept that provides municipalities with an efficient facility management. The use of a capable and powerful IT system that meets the integrative requirements of real estate management is just one aspect. The modelling of modern business processes as a basis for the implementation of a modern cost management is of great importance as well. The implementation of FM in the state-owned enterprise Gebäudemangement Braunschweig as a first step of the overall project was characterised by comprehensive structural changes and an ambitious schedule.
The elements of accounting/controlling, PRAXIS municipal property management maintenance, new builds, refurbishment and extensions , inventory management and invoice processing of internal activity was put into productive operation within only five months on 1st January 2005. After an additional three months real estate management and rent accounting were live. As support for the needs of a complex property management with software and provide crucial information for determined planning and controlling of real estate assets, the integrative structure of the system is ideal..

Michael Knobbe
Department manager of property mangement at the city Braunschweig
„At the property management of the city Braunschweig all services are concentrated on the urban real estate portfolio. Within only 5 months of project time, the integrated facility-management solution SAP® was put into operation and accounting was switched over.”