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Portfolio No.: 9222-01
Subject: Contract Accounting

PROMOS dunning and case record

Efficiently organised dunning with the PROMOS dunning and case record

The right software solution makes it much easier to manage all your dunning incidents and legal cases and allows you to maintain and map up-to-date objective and deadline information regarding the current situation.

The PROMOS dunning and case record allows you to manage all the processes in SAP® efficiently in the event of dunning or a legal case. It is integrated into the real estate contract (PROMOS contract account sheet) and presents the data from the SAP® dunning procedure, dunning history and external activities clearly in the form of chronological procedure management. All transactions are listed and given a status; a note or resubmission can also be added. An option for transmitting dunning requests to court electronically is also integrated into the dunning and case record. Furthermore, a file with the key data from the case record can be created for lawyers or collection agencies via an interface.

While developing the PROMOS dunning and case record, we took into account various requirements for a process-based structure. For each contract, multiple records can be created, sequentially numbered and given a status. The record covers several areas:

Mapping all activities chronologically in the operation overview

All operations for a rental contract, such as extrajudicial measures, dunning notice requests and submission of cases or court dates, can be created easily and displayed chronologically in a clear manner. Activities can easily be followed with the help of resubmissions. Depending on the procedure, various follow-up processes can be defined.

Overview of legal proceedings

On the “Record” tab, you can save all the data for legal proceedings, such as the court responsible, reference number and subject of the dispute. This way, employees can quickly gain an overview of specific cases.

Gap-free presentation of the dunning history

The dunning history presents the dunning data for the contract, including the last dunning date, dunning level and dunning block. In addition, all dunning runs and the individual documents dunned in the dunning run in question are shown.

Keep an overview of open items

On the “Open items” tab, you can allocate the case record in question to the underlying items.

Sämtliche Vorgänge zu einem Mahn- und Klagefall in chronologischer Reihenfolge in der PROMOS Mahn- und Klageakte
All operations for a dunning or legal case in chronological order

Further information

  • Collection agency or lawyer interface: Via an interface, you can create a file with the key data from the case record for lawyers or collection agencies.
  • Reports: With the PROMOS report for the dunning and case record, you can perform an evaluation with a range of selection criteria. You can search for individual contracts as well as individual activities or resubmission dates.

Your benefit

Full integration into existing systems: The PROMOS dunning and case record completes receivables management and is fully integrated into SAP® contract management. The SAP® dunning procedure is integrated into the record, meaning that all the necessary information is available conveniently in a single location.

Transparent flow of information: All historical and current dunning data and case data is available to the user in full. Customer-specific activities are saved in the operation management chronologically, providing all users with a prompt overview of the development of the dunning procedure/legal proceedings at all times.

Automated operations: Follow-up operations in the case record and other business processes can be triggered automatically.

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End user

  • Customer advisors
  • Receivables managers
  • Legal department

Technical requirements

  • PROMOS contract account sheet

Please contact us:

PROMOS consult Projektmanagement,
Organisation und Service GmbH
Rungestraße 19
10179 Berlin-Mitte

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