
Process quality is no coincidence – another successful IDW PS 951 Type 2 certification

Quality and transparency in active processes are not a given but the result of continuous effort. The annual IDW PS 951 Type 2 certification demonstrates that at PROMOS, nothing is left to chance. The Internal Control System (ICS) is thoroughly examined by an experienced team of auditors to ensure maximum transparency and quality for our customers. But what does this mean in concrete terms? And which in-house solution has ensured a smooth audit process for many years?

Annual audit successfully completed

Once again this year, PROMOS’ internal control system successfully passed the IDW PS 951 Type 2 audit. This certification confirms the adequacy and effectiveness of internal controls in processes, providing our customers with a reliable foundation for secure and efficient operations. For the comprehensive audit, PROMOS has been successfully using its own legal safety regulation and quality management solution for many years. This system provides essential support for ensuring smooth and compliant processes.

More security and transparency for customers

The IDW PS 951 Type 2 certification serves as an important quality benchmark for companies that use IT services. It ensures that outsourced processes meet high standards and are thoroughly documented. Customers benefit from several advantages:

  • Proof of service quality: The audit demonstrates the presence of an effective internal control system that ensures the protection of sensitive data and compliance with regulatory requirements.
  • Reduced effort for own audits: External certification often eliminates the need for customers to conduct their own audits. The audited report can be presented to auditors or internal control bodies as proof.
  • Higher transparency and process security: The certification ensures that change and access management processes, training measures, and company policies are consistently followed.

Using the in-house easysquare solution

A unique aspect of the audit is that we used our own easysquare legal safety regulation and quality management solution. This tool allows for the systematic planning of all required controls, assignment to responsible auditors, and digital documentation of their execution. Volker Schulz, Managing Director of PROMOS, explains: “The field-tested and popular solution, which plays a key role for many of our customers in managing legal safety obligations and quality inspections, is also a proven tool for us. The IDW PS 951 audit involves various business areas – from HR to IT to Application Services. Moreover, different tasks arise throughout the year, sometimes daily, quarterly, or annually. Thanks to the easysquare app, all participants always have their tasks in view. The intuitive operation simplifies the auditing steps and ensures audit-proof documentation. This way, we make sure that no important control points are overlooked, and our audit processes remain efficient and traceable.”

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