
Password security: important tips for lasting protection!

A recent analysis shows that “123456” is still the most popular password in Germany – and cybercriminals are pleased. At the same time, the number of attacks on IT systems is constantly increasing. In the digital age, in which data is tomorrow's gold, the right password strategy is often the deciding factor between protection and danger. PROMOS relies on the latest recommendations of the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI). Read on to find out why this is so important and what else you should bear in mind.

Why secure passwords are crucial

Companies' IT infrastructures are under constant attack. Hacker attacks, data theft and identity fraud have increased drastically, as studies show. Short or weak passwords are often the first weak point that attackers exploit. A Horváth study shows: More than one in five German companies is affected by cyber attacks with serious consequences.[1] The risk can be reduced with a simple measure: a strong password.

Current studies

A recent analysis by the Bonn-based start-up Identeco shows that the most popular password in Germany is still the sequence of digits “123456”, followed by the English word “password”. These simple and insecure passwords are a godsend for cybercriminals and significantly increase the risk of data misuse.[2]

In addition, a study by Statista in March 2024 showed that around 57 percent of the Internet users surveyed in Germany sometimes use the same passwords for different online services. This reuse increases the risk that multiple accounts will be compromised in the event of a data breach.[3]

What makes a password secure?

The BSI recommends observing the following rules:

  1. Length: A secure password should have at least 8-12 characters.

  2. Variety: Use a combination of upper and lower case letters, numbers and special characters.

  3. Individual: Avoid personal information such as names, birthdays or terms that are directly related to you.

  4. No dictionary: Words from dictionaries or common terms are a no-go.

  5. Unpredictable: No patterns like “1234” or “qwerty”.

  6. Complex: A strong password should be a difficult-to-guess mix.

Practical tips for companies

  • Systemic requirements: Define mandatory requirements such as minimum length and special characters!
  • Regular training: Sensitize employees to password security and repeat this regularly!
  • Account blocking: Protect yourself with additional automatic blocking in the event of repeated failed attempts!

Your partner for secure IT systems

PROMOS helps you to effectively implement the BSI recommendations. Whether it's advice or technical implementation, we can help you to make your systems more secure. Contact us if you have any questions or require customized solutions – together we can secure your digital future!


  1. https://www.horvath-partners.com/de/presse/detail/horvath-studie-mehr-als-jedes-fuenfte-deutsche-unternehmen-von-cyberattacken-mit-schweren-folgen-betroffen?
  2. https://www.uni-bonn.de/de/neues/236-2024?
  3. https://de.statista.com/statistik/daten/studie/818713/umfrage/nutzung-von-unterschiedlichen-passwoertern-fuer-unterschiedliche-dienste-in-deutschland/
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