
Save the date! Congress for real estate management with SAP® in Berlin

Listen up SAP community! We are pleased to announce that we are once again the main sponsor of this year’s SAP Forum for the Real Estate Industry in Berlin! From 19 to 20 September 2024, this groundbreaking event will open its doors to present the latest developments in real estate and facility management, particularly with regard to the transformative power of artificial intelligence (AI). Get a foretaste!

Topic insights

This year, everything at the popular real estate congress revolves around the topic of artificial intelligence. What potential does it offer? What is SAP Joule? And how can AI transform our processes? From ESG monitoring and construction management to comprehensive communication structures, all possible areas of the industry are scrutinised. In addition, perennial favourites such as the transformation to SAP S/4HANA® or automated process control will not be neglected. Alongside numerous specialist presentations, the event is packed with in-depth workshops and active solution presentations, the demo jams. Long-time event fan Frank Wyzujak, Sales Manager at PROMOS, describes his fondness for the event: “There are only a few specialist congresses in our industry that bring together technology expertise in the SAP environment of the property industry so professionally. In addition to our own event brand OpenPromos User Forum, this event is definitely one of them. This is where users and IT experts – managers and consultants, etc. – meet and engage in a lively dialogue that continues beyond the event. You shouldn’t miss this under any circumstances.”

Networking and exchange

Are you looking forward to the presentations, which, as every year, are full of content, as well as to the personal exchange with us and other participants? No problem! As main sponsor, we have our own stand at the accompanying exhibition, where we will be happy to welcome you at any time. Our experts Elena Wollscheid, Erik Walter, Tamara Erdenberger, Milan Reen and PROMOS CEO Jens Kramer will be on site. Make an appointment with our experts today! Our team looks forward to discussing the future of real estate management with you and gaining new perspectives.

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