What happens if there is no rent index? Easily create and assign comparative groups of properties in SAP®
Rent index and comparative groups of properties – when to use which?
In Germany, the rent index generally serves as a reference point for determining appropriate and legally permissible rents. However, especially in rural regions or smaller municipalities, there may be no formal rent index. In this case, it is much more difficult for housing and real estate companies to set an appropriate and, more importantly, permissible rent level. Comparative groups of properties must be defined. For this purpose, at least three comparable rental properties with similar features are grouped together to form a comparative portfolio. If there is no comparable property in the company's own portfolio, corresponding data can be requested from the Federal Statistical Office. The comparable properties used must be identifiable, meaning that the exact address as well as the floor and the name of the current tenant must be stated. Properties that are currently vacant cannot be used.
In principle, the landlord is free to use a comparative group of properties instead of the official rent index to determine the rent level. Normally, the rent index is the preferred assessment tool for the calculation, as it is based on scientific criteria. In some cases, the data in the rent index is only updated and is not compiled again. In such cases, landlords like to base their calculations on comparative groups of properties. We will show you how to easily compile and assign these in SAP®.[1]
Search, create, assign – a comparative group of properties in SAP® in just a few steps
A clear template opens in the Fiori® Launchpad via a “Comparative Groups” tile, in which the source objects are first selected. These are the properties for which a comparative group of properties is to be created. Very specific rental properties can be explicitly selected here. In the same way, you can also select an accounting entity from which only rental properties with a certain number of square metres or fixtures and fittings characteristics are to be included.
You can then select the rental properties from the results list for which a comparative group of properties is actually to be defined. The comparative group to be searched for is then specified. The solution makes it possible to specify the following parameters:
- Location: Definition of a specific accounting entity or postcode area
- Size: Specification of a number of square metres with a preset deviation of 10%
- Age: Definition of the year of construction of the comparative group of properties
- Fixtures and fittings characteristics: Search for properties with predefined characteristics, e.g. fitted kitchen or floorboards
- Company code: Restriction of the search to a selected company code
Once all search criteria have been defined, a simulation or real-time run can be carried out. The results list shows the source properties in yellow on the left and suggests three matching comparable properties. The properties with the highest rents from the pool of comparable properties found are automatically suggested. Other comparable properties found can also be selected manually. So what happens to the generated comparable properties?
There are now three options:
- Create comparative group: The comparative groups of properties are simply saved and are available as master data in the system.
- Assign comparative group: In this case, a comparative group of properties already exists and is simply reassigned to the source properties.
- Create and assign comparative group: The comparative group of properties is generated and stored directly in the adjustment clause of the contract for the source property.
Users can also decide whether the comparative group of properties should be assigned to the contract of a rental property or to the rental property itself. If the comparative group of properties has been assigned to a contract, this can be viewed via a separate tab in the contract.
- Berlin Tenants' Association (https://www.berliner-mieterverein.de/magazin/online/mm1021/mieterhoehungen-mit-vergleichswohnungen-die-lizenz-zum-bluffen-102125.htm)

In a simple entry screen, criteria can be defined for generating comparative groups of properties.
Automated comparative property search – revealing potential overnight
In addition to the simple creation and assignment of comparative groups of properties, the new solution offers another useful function. The comparative property search can take place regularly in the background. Overnight, the system searches for new, suitable comparable properties for the existing source properties at set intervals. The search is for comparable properties where the rent is higher than for existing properties. The new comparative groups of properties are then assigned to the contracts in the implementation run. In this way, potential for possible rent increases can be identified at an early stage. An actual adjustment of the rent can then be decided on an individual basis.
The new solution offers a simple way to determine the rental price quickly and reliably with the help of comparative groups of properties if a calculation based on the rent index is not possible or desired. Both the source properties and the comparable properties to be searched for can be precisely specified using various criteria. Creating and assigning is done at the touch of a button. The solution brings a new level of transparency to rent calculations. The clever functionalities, including the automated search run in the background, save time and offer opportunities for real increases in yield. They also rely on the ability to create comparative groups of properties and require technical support