Key Topics in the PROMOS portfolio
In which areas have we already developed innovations for you? Which topics are hotly debated in the housing and real estate sector and are therefore the focus of our solution development? How exactly are we making daily tasks easier for our customers? You no longer need to look too far for the answers. Thanks to our new highlight category of Key Topics, you will find answers to questions that you may not even have realised you had hidden away inside you.
Utility cost management – the key to sustainability and increased efficiency
How can the preparation of utility cost statements become a standardised, transparent process? What options are there for skilfully implementing the requirements of new legal regulations and climate policy developments? How can you prepare yourself today for what will happen tomorrow? We have a whole range of answers that have already proven their worth in day-to-day use by many of our customers. From the classic utility cost cockpit to the modular utility statement letter and easysquare consumption billing, PROMOS offers a wide range of solutions. Get a detailed insight in our new key topic on digital utility cost management and let our experts advise you!
PROMOS support portal – you ask, we answer!
As we receive around 6,000 enquiries a year via the modern Fiori® interface of our PROMOS support portal, we want this communication channel to function as efficiently and effectively as possible for our customers – as a real key to customer satisfaction, so to speak. So what should you do if errors occur in the SAP® system? And is it even an error? Or have you actually discovered a potential area for optimisation or customisation? We provide answers to these and other frequently asked questions on our new support website. It is important to PROMOS to ensure that regular contact with our excellent support team is as easy and convenient as possible.
Unloved data protection – how personal data will become your favourite topic
Rarely has a topic gained momentum as quickly as data protection. Especially in the digital environment, a whole array of legal regulations has emerged in recent years that govern the handling of personal data. Housing companies in particular are confronted with the processing of a whole flood of personal data. Which information must be stored? How do I delete data without destroying underlying logic? And can this also be automated? PROMOS has diversified its portfolio of solutions for this top issue. Four clever solutions offer the appropriate answer for every requirement.
What else is new?
Was your key topic not among our top 3? Then take a look at our other portfolio categories. You will find popular products highlighted. We also regularly inform you about the latest developments in our newsletter and on social media. Use our wealth of information as a key to your success!

The new Key Topics category allows you to quickly jump to the top PROMOS topics.