The autumn issue of the specialist magazine IT&I is now out!
The 36th issue of our specialist magazine Informationstechnologie & Immobilien (IT&I) is now available online. Carefully selected and intensively researched project reports, strategy topics and solution descriptions together provide a good overview of trends in the digitised real estate industry. With a total of eleven articles, a broad range of topics are covered. See for yourself which topics are important to you. The focus in this issue has been on presenting diverse reference projects to give you an idea of how other companies are already benefiting from digital solutions today. In addition, we take a strategic look at the possibilities offered by artificial intelligence and creative ideas for creating living space.
Insights into successful project solutions
Gewobag recently began using the PROMOS project cockpit to optimise its construction cost control, KOE Rostock relies on mobile defect reports using the easysquare professional app, and Bayerische Hausbau has set up a completely digital P2P process. Sound exciting? It is. And that is far from all! DOGEWO21 and Landesverband Westfalen-Lippe also have new solutions to present. The project managers not only provide insights into the finished solution landscape, but also report on challenges in the course of the project and provide valuable information on which aspects should be considered in implementation projects.
About IT&I
The specialist magazine Informationstechnologie & Immobilien (IT&I for short) is published biannually. It regularly features articles from key players in the real estate industry, presents the latest solutions for Fiori® and easysquare, and reports on the implementation of the latest digital projects in customers’ companies. In addition to the print version, all magazines from issue 20 onwards are also available online. It’s worth taking a look!

Browse online in all past IT&I magazines from issue 20 onwards!
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