
Study: Savings potential in mobile property inspection with easysquare mobile adds up to more than 50 percent

The savings potential in the process run of a mobile property inspection with the use of mobile devices versus standard methods with papers adds up to more than 50 percent. This is a result of the study “development of a software product with evaluated process data in the real estate industry for a performance of a property inspection process based on a mobile networking solution”, which was performed within a final paper work at the University of Applied Science Brandenburg.

Goal of the work was to develop an improved property inspection process for the real estate industry and to find out how the use of a software product affects the gains in efficiency. In this respect a standard method with papers was compared to the mobile processing with the support of the easysquare mobile app as well as their required time efforts – exemplarily in the process of a property inspection.

For the data ascertainment test subjects performed a property inspection in an appropriate test scenario (preparation, implementation and postprocessing) in twelve tasks. The comparison of process times in both methods proves savings potential clearly.

The performance of the defined tasks in the “paper process” took about 60 minutes while the test subjects performing the mobile property inspection needed less than half of the time (26 minutes).

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