What to do with information? The online reporting channel from PROMOS
What is the Whistleblower Protection Act?
Whistleblowers make a valuable contribution to the detection and investigation of misconduct by natural or legal persons. In the past, there have often been cases in which the whistleblower was discriminated against after reporting or exposing misconduct. In order to prevent discrimination and guarantee legal certainty, whistleblowers should benefit from special protection.
Now that the EU Whistleblower Directive has been implemented in national law in the form of the Whistleblower Protection Act (HinSchG), as of 1 July 2023 whistleblowers in Germany will also be protected, ensuring greater legal certainty.
Whistleblower Protection Act – what does it mean for PROMOS?
The HinSchG requires large companies such as PROMOS to set up an internal reporting office that employees can contact to report potential violations. We would also like to enable external persons to provide tips regarding misconduct or irregularities via the PROMOS whistleblower system. This could involve the company itself and its employees or third parties. We believe that the new legal obligation is, above all, an opportunity. After all, trust in our integrity and the will for positive, open and inspiring cooperation are key elements of our code of conduct. We view whistleblower protection as an integral component of corporate compliance.
How does the PROMOS whistleblower system work?
Using the PROMOS whistleblower system, which is available round-the-clock via web app, people can provide tips on potential misconduct or irregularities that affect our company, its employees or third parties with ease and, if desired, also anonymously. All reports are treated as strictly confidential. To allow secure further communication regarding your report, we would ask you to please also set up a secure mailbox via our PROMOS whistleblower system. We take every message very seriously and handle them with great care. We can’t take care of vulnerabilities unless they are revealed. PROMOS stands for openness and transparency, and we do everything in our power to clarify potential compliance violations.

Incidents can be reported via a simple template.
Further information on the whistleblower system and Whistleblower Protection Act: