Mobile Time Recording with SAP® Integration
The basis is the integration of SAP® data. The customized maintenance of planned working time as well as evaluations of actual working time, breaks, activities with the appropriate accounting element (e. g. an economic unit) and business trips happen in SAP® tables developed by PROMOS. The SAP® integration allows a depiction of all necessary information, like planned working time, already recorded actual working time and driven kilometers on the app of the mobile device. Even absence like vacation, illness and flextime can be recorded via mobile devices. The digital forms in XML-format allow a company-specific structure, which guides through the acquisition with its catalogs and intuitive calendar view. A multiple selection via catalogs speeds up the input enormously.

Calendar view for time recording: The employee is guided through the application intuitively.

Entry view in economic units: Catalogs and a multiple selection speed up the input.
that, the solution gives the opportunity to transmit data to an external
HR-system via an interface. In addition to that, the SAP® component HR can be
linked once the company uses the module. In this case the linkage to the SAP® tool
CATS (Cross Application Time Sheet), an
application spanning tool for recording working hours and tasks, is recommended.
The installation of SAP® CATS is optional and possible with reasonable effort.
Then, recorded mobile data is integrated smoothly into the Cross Application Time Sheet (CATS). Locally recorded tasks are automatically saved as service types in the CATS. From there data can be transferred in further components of the SAP® system, for example the controlling. That way recorded hours can be settled via service types in the CO, which means they are transferred in a receiver cost center or a PSP element. Business trips recorded with the help of mobile devices can be adopted to the travel expense manager with all relevant data. For the use of the Cross Application Time Sheet only few personal master data needed to be maintained are necessary, like data about the person and the planned working time. A HR-license is required for the use of SAP® CATS, especially for the maintenance of planned working time.

The Cross Application Time Sheet (CATS): The recorded mobile data are integrated seamlessly.
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