PROMOS.GT available in English
PROMOS has recognized this essential requirement and now provides all substantial parts of the open solutions library PROMOS.GT in English. In co-operation with an external translation office more than 1,000 texts have been translated.
In many cases the process of internationalisation happens gradually. Especially small and medium sized companies often find their way to international markets more unconsciously than consciously. What is lacking here is a strategic decision. But such a decision is strictly required to ensure that all necessary steps for a targeted expansion will be carried out. Not only fiscal, organizational or personnel aspects play a role in this process. When setting up an international distribution system you firstly have to adapt your IT infrastructure to the locally existing challenges. This particularly includes a multi-language ability of the existing software.
In this respect PROMOS translated the open solutions library PROMOS.GT into English. That way we cleared one of the main hurdles in the process of internationalization for you. All important parts of PROMOS.GT are now available in English. With approximately 1.5 billion non-native and 375 million native speakers English is the most important language for international communication. If needed we can also provide PROMOS.GT in any other language or translate client specific parts at any time.
- Vgl. Wiesner, Knut: Internationales Management. hg. von Bernecker, Michael, Oldenburg, 2005, S. 82
- Statista GmbH (o.J.): Die meistgesprochenen Sprachen weltweit. (Letzter Zugriff am 29.01.2015).

PROMOS.GT besteht aus einer Vielzahl von Lösungen für den Einsatz von SAP® im Immobilien- und Facility Management. In zahlreichen Kundenprojekten sind bis heute viele Produkte und Funktionen entstanden, welche wir Ihnen in unserer offenen Lösungsbibliothek PROMOS.GT als Generisches Template zur Verfügung stellen. Sie profitieren hierbei von den gesammelten Erfahrungen aus vorangegangenen Projekten sowie der kontinuierlichen und fortlaufenden Verbesserung unserer Lösungen!
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