Fresh look-and-feel – Video demonstrates the new consumption display in the easysquare tenant app
Since the beginning of 2022, you must inform your tenants of their hot water and heat consumption on a monthly basis if remotely readable measuring devices are installed in your rental properties. This makes it much easier for tenants to save costs – after all, they can only change their behaviour if they’re able to monitor and evaluate it. Remote meter reading means less time spent and more convenience for your customers, as the process of arranging and conducting appointments with the reader is eliminated. The decision to install remotely readable meters is crucial from an environmental point of view, since the conscious use of resources plays a significant role in protecting the environment. A large share of Germany’s emissions are caused by energy consumption associated with heating in private households.
In principle, the EED is therefore a good approach for boosting tenant convenience, creating cost transparency and advancing the fight against climate change. However, the new directive also brings housing companies, property owners and administrators new challenges that shouldn’t be underestimated. Some of them are technical: conventional meters and heating cost allocators must be retrofitted or replaced. You still have time to take care of this, though, as the deadline is 2027. When new devices are installed, they are now required to be remotely readable. Other challenges are of an organisational nature: tenants must be informed about their consumption on a monthly basis either by post or digitally. And this is exactly where the easysquare tenant app’s new consumption display comes in.
The digital consumption display is almost certainly the easiest way for landlords to regularly inform their tenants about their energy consumption. Just like the other established easysquare services such as the contract overview or building information, consumption is displayed as a tile in the app and can be called up at any time. This makes the new function very simple and clear for tenants, since they always have access to their consumption information. When they call up their consumption data, they also see the difference compared to their consumption in the previous month and how their consumption compares to that of the average user.
This function is also available if you don’t have a tenant app yet. We’ve created a “light” web version dedicated specifically to the digital display of consumption data to begin with. This enables you to quickly and easily provide your tenants with an initial digital platform that can gradually be expanded – after all, there are many other important features in the tenant app that benefit both tenants and landlords. So it turns out the EED doesn’t have to be just a challenge. It can also provide an impetus to further expand your digitisation strategy and look to digital applications for greater clarity and flexibility.
And to get a better impression of the look and feel of the easysquare application, you can check out our latest video on YouTube:

More information on the EED and the digital display of monthly consumption data: