A successful premiere – this was the first digital OpenPromos User Forum
Studio atmosphere
“This is how it must feel on a TV set” – we thought, as we first entered the halls of the Leonardo Royal Hotel, which would have been filled with narrow rows of chairs and tables in years past. Six technicians at a total of eight computers, three cameras, six spotlights and endless equipment almost entirely filled the room. Now came the hot phase of preparation for the event we had been planning for months. After the stage design, seven rehearsals and plenty of elbow grease, everything was ready for the OpenPromos User Forum on Air, which started the following day. The countdown on our event platform reminded us – the event was less than 16 hours away.
Fit for innovation
Our returning guests as well as some OPUF newbies got ready in a warmup on the morning of the event and then things got started. An explosion of digital innovations hit the screens of the viewers at home in 90-minute innovation show. Host Philipp Bächstädt led the programme and grilled the digitisation experts on behalf the audience. The digital exchange went splendidly thanks to co-host Lena-Le Duong-Thanh. She reliably passed along feedback from the online audience to her colleagues on stage. A look at the chat window for the main stage reflects the mood of the event: “Very good lecture – thank you very much”, “Shared visions help to get people fired up”, “Quatsch Comedy Club, that was a good time!” (looking back at the first OPUF in 2003), “Very well made film, presented very vividly...”, “Thank you for the information, Jens – I can’t wait for the future!” On the second day of the event, our participants navigated between the three sessions on our special event platform without any problems – they’re old hands, after all. Our new speed session format was very well-received. This was where our PROMOS experts packed information about solutions and features into just ten minutes.
And what did our fitness check reveal to you?
Our participants are already really top fit in some areas. For example, 95 percent of respondents already use workflow-supported processes in their companies, and 12 percent said that they primarily communicate with their tenants via app. There seems to be room to improve in the areas of construction project management and utility cost management. 86 percent of the respondents still use conventional paper logs for inspections and building acceptance tests, and no respondents are currently ready for the new EED requirements. Tuning in to the OPUF was doubly worthwhile here, since we presented clever solutions for construction and utility cost management in short video clips.

In a live survey, we tested how fit our participants already are for innovation.

An on-location inside view of the OpenPromos User Forum on Air at the Leonardo Royal Hotel Berlin Alexanderplatz.
We say thank you…
… to everyone who supported our first digital OpenPromos User Forum both on stage and behind the scenes, and above all to you, the participants, who commented, discussed and networked on our event platform and enthusiastically took part in our Olympics and the PROMOS pub quiz. We look forward to meeting you again, and hopefully in person – not on air.
Further information on the event: