EU Energy Efficiency Directive (EED) – How to give your tenants straightforward insight into their energy consumption
Extent of the law – What does the EU Energy Efficiency Directive stipulate and starting when?
A goal of the directive is to fully digitise consumption cost meter readings in a gradual process and grant end consumers the opportunity to monitor their energy consumption at all times.
The law requires that tenants be provided with consumption information in two levels multiple times a year either electronically or by post, according to their preference. In the first step, from the law’s initial effect until 31 December 2021, this must occur quarterly via electronic transmission or at the tenant’s request; transmission via other methods must occur at least twice a year. In the second step, starting on 1 January 2022, the information must be provided online at least monthly regardless of the form.
The prerequisite for this consumption information is the installation of remotely readable meters and heat cost allocators, which will be generally required once the law comes into effect. The requirements of the EU Energy Efficiency Directive were to be transferred into national law by 25 October 2020. This has not occurred yet here in Germany, but we can assume it will happen by the end of 2020.

Minimum frequency for the provision of consumption data or meter values for heat cost allocators to the end user (tenant) as per EED Article 10a with Annex VIIa.
To support you in implementing the technical requirements resulting from the EED, we are currently working intensely on a corresponding expansion to the functional scope of the PROMOS Utilities Cockpit (NKPU). We guarantee complete usability by 1 January 2021 at the latest. But now to the central question: what do the new functions offer?
Integration of the solution into the PROMOS Utilities Cockpit will take place through the currently available entries of external invoices in the form of properties. There, it will be possible to directly call up consumption information from heating meter reading companies.
This will utilise the web service provided by the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Heiz- und Wasserkostenverteilung e.V., which will be integrated into the PROMOS Utilities Cockpit with both a manual and an automatic call. The consumption information data is saved there within the external statements. A second expansion step will additionally bring the option of manually importing files. This is intended to support the provision of consumption information from smaller heating meter reading companies that cannot offer a web service.
In addition to data retrieval and storage, a main focus is the linkage of consumption data with user data and the provision for the tenant. A central printing function to the real estate contract will be available to generate a comprehensive report on a key date for the consumption information of all the company’s objects. This generates a PDF for each contract and for any special correspondence features entered for the tenant, such as alternative recipients. According to the communication channel selected by the tenant, this document can be sent digitally or printed and sent by post. If your tenants also use the easysquare tenant app, the documents can be transmitted to the archived documents there.
Furthermore, there will be a central evaluation function for the total consumption information and a visualisation of the individual values directly in the rental object or lease. This ensures that the administrator can directly access the information required for their business processes.
With this range of functions that will soon be available, it is possible to quickly and nearly automatically comply with the EED requirements. Upon request, we will be happy to craft an offer for the provision and installation. Another expansion step in the first half of 2021 will additionally bring the launch of a data stream to the easysquare tenant app. This will enable a direct visualisation in the app as a graphic. In this way, you can offer your tenants true added value. They will be able to monitor their consumption behaviour at any time with only a few taps of their finger.
Are you interested in an installation or do you have questions? Get in touch with us!
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