Experience your neighbourhood digitally with the easysquare tenant app
Reaching tenants with easysquare
In addition to process acceleration, another goal of supplementary rental services is to increase tenant satisfaction. After all, this not only helps ensure low turnover, but also strengthens the natural social bonding within a housing development. To enhance such effects, one must reach tenants directly in their living environment. And the best way for modern housing companies to accomplish this today is not with an old-fashioned mailing or bulletin board flyer, but through the easysquare tenant app. A large majority of the population is active online with a mobile device these days. Many people over 60 have also discovered the benefits of mobile Internet. And it is precisely there – where tenants already read the news, shop and chat – that we reach them with a digital solution.[1]
New feeling of community thanks to neighbourhood assistance in the easysquare tenant app
In addition to the core functions of a tenant app, such as the ability to view contracts or initiate contact with the landlord, the easysquare tenant app now also serves as a platform for boosting the digital networking of tenants within a particular neighbourhood. In a new “My neighbourhood” tile, users have the opportunity to offer or search for products and services. Tenants can configure their advertisements or requests with classic features such as descriptive texts or uploaded pictures. They can also use a range of catalogue entries to specify whether they are posting something for sale, to loan, in a trade or simply offering free help around the neighbourhood. Tenants also decide for themselves in which vicinity their postings should be visible for other users or in which they would like to search for something. If someone would like to offer help with grocery shopping, for instance, they can limit the area in which they would like to offer this service. Users can also use filters to find the right type of advertisements in a list display of all current offers and requests. Contact and final arrangements between tenants regarding a service takes place in an integrated chat function. To ensure that entries are up to date, all postings automatically expire after a period of two months, at which point they are deactivated in the system.
- Source: https://de.statista.com/statistik/daten/studie/197417/umfrage/mobile-internetnutzung-in-deutschland-in-den-altersgruppen/

In a new “My neighbourhood” tile, users can advertise offers and requests.
Innovative housing companies building strong communities
Establishing such sharing communities reinforces cohesion within a neighbourhood. Especially in these extraordinary times when we are more tied to our immediate living environment than ever, there is a huge desire and need for solidarity, contact and exchange. The new neighbourhood function within the easysquare tenant app allows your apartment complexes to grow into true communities. What’s more, it also increases tenants’ awareness of the innovative and progressive nature of their housing company.