New YouTube film about mobile time recording with easysquare – How to facilitate the property manager’s work!
Time is money! But is that true? At least it can be said that time is a significant resource of a company, which needs to be used optimally. Nowadays numerous technical tools are available for companies for this purpose – from the tablet PC to other data capturing devices. All solutions have one thing in common: they compensate the lavish capture on time sheets because this method is outdated, inaccurate, time-consuming and belongs to the past.
In our new tutorial you can learn how to save formerly lavish work steps with easysquare mobile by capturing working hours and business trips locally via mobile devices. Beyond that we will show you how smartphones or tablet PCs can support you with the documentation of accomplished tasks as useful companions in your occupational daily routines!
If you want to get convinced by our solution, arrange a presentation date today! We look forward to hearing from you.
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