Avoiding Expensive Intercompany Reconciliation with Integrated Posting
In order to avoid expensive intercompany reconciliations, invoices between companies of an affiliated group can be posted via intercompany processes. In doing so, the billing accounting area documents entries for both accounting areas.
- centralised entry: a document entry for all accounting areas, no outgoing invoice on paper as well as simple cost transfers
- automated posting: document postings in all accounting areas and automated creation of invoices
- release depiction: workflow supported editing and release with individual rules as well as documentations
- no loss through reconciliation: no loss of time, no unnecessary need of reconciliation and a direct traceability

Overview on uniform postings in both accounting areas.
Easysquare workflow for intercompany business processes permits a release in the second accounting area before the posting.

Release process in easysquare workflow
With this integrated posting it is ensured that postings with the same content are entered, which reduces the effort of reconciliation in a period-end closing essentially.
Profit from the advantages of integrated postings with the support of easysquare workflow:
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in November 2015 in Berlin! At our 12th OpenPromos Anwenderforum
numerous customers present reference projects again, in which easysquare
workflow has contributed to the essential process optimisation.
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