The berlinovo app – new functions for greater convenience and efficiency
The launch was a complete success – with the aid of the app, available berlinovo student apartments could be reserved quickly and without bureaucracy. When it went live, the app featured a simple apartment search function with filter options, clear property profiles and pictures of the individual apartments. Data entered in the app was processed easily by berlinovo’s central IT facilities thanks to easysquare integration. Several thousand app users confirmed that the demand for mobile solutions is there.
Now further innovative features have been implemented in the next project phase. The previous partial interface has been replaced with full automation. In this way, a comprehensive property search has been implemented, allowing all berlinovo apartments to be offered. At the same time, this expansion stage has raised the convenience and usefulness on the user side to a new level. As well as a detailed search (by district, number of rooms, size, etc.), the app now contains even more useful functions. They include the option to view properties on a map, saving entries as favourites, a list filter and a general search field. Added convenience and an absolute improvement for potential tenants.
The app also provides optimum support for letting staff. The connection of not only student apartments, but all vacant berlinovo apartments, allows the flood of data relating to temporary accommodation to be processed at berlinovo’s central IT facilities thanks to easysquare integration.
Summary: The enhanced functional scope provides convincing gains in efficiency and convenience for all those involved in the rental procedure.