Visit us at the 21st SAP forum for the real estate industry
Be there when our CEO Jens Kramer provides a live demo of the landlords’ solution in easysquare entitled “Für jeden Topf den passenden Deckel – mit der Vermietungs-App den perfekten Mieter finden” (The right lid for every pot – finding the perfect tenant with the rental app). The presentation will show how the process of letting a property can be digitised and fully automated. The applicants themselves submit the documents needed for the rental contract through the app, and data matching in the system prevents multiple registrations and unsolicited applications. The system filters out suitable applicants transparently based on allocation parameters, communication takes place quickly and easily within the app, and rejections are generated automatically. This is an effective process that means a huge reduction in time and costs for the landlord. At the same time, this modern approach is more convenient and transparent for applicants. It’s therefore an absolute win-win situation for everyone involved in the rental process.
Another highlight will be a review of practical experience with the easysquare owner app. The app has been in use at Vonovia Immobilien Treuhand GmbH for one year now. You can attend an informative presentation to obtain an overview of the functions and hear a report on the company’s experience of implementing the app and using it in everyday work. What insights have been gained from the launch and one year of operation? What functions are available to the owner in the app and the manager in SAP® ERP? The presentation will also look ahead to the future. It will be exciting to see how the app will be expanded and new functions added.
DOGEWO Dortmunder Gesellschaft für Wohnen mbH will be demonstrating how to implement a digitisation strategy comprehensively and successfully in a housing company. The company’s presentation, “DOGEWO: Mobile first – effiziente Immobilienbewirtschaftung mit mobiler Datenapplikation” (DOGEWO: Mobile first – efficient real estate management with mobile data application), will examine all aspects of digital real estate management and project implementation. How were various SAP® master data integrated, how were processes standardised and how were internal and external service providers involved in the process? DOGEWO has implemented the mobile change of tenant very successfully. How exactly does this work and how are the easysquare workflow processes defined? The company will also be presenting the implementation of the caretaker app, explaining what functions and processes the app offers and reporting on the experience already gained from using it. You can thus look forward to stimulating insights into implementing and efficiently working with digital processes.
These and many other topics await you next month in Berlin. What’s more, it goes without saying that our PROMOS consult experts will be available at the stand in the exhibition area, where they will be happy to answer your questions and discuss the latest topics with you in depth. We look forward to seeing you there.
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