The huge benefits of automation – new YouTube video on the fault notification process
Every housing company knows the procedure, needs to take appropriate measures itself and is well advised to digitise the various channels for recording defects. When a defect is discovered, it needs to be integrated into the reporting process – be it by tenants in the company’s own tenant app or by company employees during apartment handover. After that, tools such as easysquare workflow help ensure that subsequent processing is automated and proceeds without a hitch in a user-friendly manner.
Our new YouTube video looks directly at the fault notification process, showing you the wide range of automation options for everyday maintenance:

Did you know, for example, that the pre-programming of certain processing sequences considerably reduces the pressure on your administrators while the system itself completes numerous processes fully automatically in the background? When craftsmen need to be ordered, all the user has to do is select the relevant trade and the damage incurred, and the automatic supplier determination function will find the right company for the job. If the processor responsible is ill or on holiday, a representative will automatically receive the work order in their work basket and can seamlessly take over the process.
Automated processing steps are indicated in easysquare workflow by an “A”. The process remains in the queue until the necessary work by third parties is complete. In the meantime, your employee can concentrate on other tasks. No more forgetting essential tasks! Deadlines are defined for every single processing step and the corresponding processor is notified as soon as any deadline is missed. In this way, for example, you can contact the trade company to ask why the order has not yet been accepted or the agreed service not yet provided. This means your fault reports are processed more reliably and thus ultimately also increases the satisfaction of your tenants.
- Central processing and evaluation of fault reports
- Simplified communication thanks to the integration with SAP® ERP, CRM, easysquare craftsmen portal, easysquare tenant app, easysquare quality assessment, easysquare change of tenant and easysquare mobile for property managers
- Huge potential for automating individual processing steps, for instance by means of supplier determination
- Ideal digitisation options, especially for the app-based mobile input functions
- Noticeable reduction in employee workload thanks to role-based and process-controlled workflow organisation
- Seamless further processing of processes by third parties with no loss of information
- Individual configuration of processor determination
- Transparent status tracking, amongst other things for the craftsmen order in the ERP system or CRM
- Various escalation scenarios for overdue, rejected or cancelled orders

Figure 1: Using your list of outstanding processes, you can easily obtain an overview of the processing status of your fault reports in easysquare workflow. Overdue tasks land in the personal work basket of the employee responsible and it is no longer possible for a single process to be forgotten.
Benefit from short processes
In addition, automation can substantially shorten process chains. Think, for example, of the process of placing orders with your craftsmen. An order resulting from an apartment handover, which has ideally been recorded using an app, is directed via the easysquare craftsmen portal straight to the craftsmen, thus eliminating the need to enquire with the relevant companies manually. The portal even covers the processes of acceptance or rejection, recording of the work carried out and invoicing. Using predefined letter templates, you can easily generate an information letter to the tenant with a single click, using the correspondence interface OPCC.
Solutions in harmony
The individual solutions in the PROMOS portfolio for the fault notification process are designed to interact harmoniously. All solutions – from the different options for reporting faults, such as CRM, the tenant app or the property manager app, to the quick input screen OPSN, the easysquare craftsmen portal, and even budget planning and monitoring – can be controlled from within the process, thus making it possible to administer and evaluate fault reports centrally in a shared hub. It is even possible to prevent duplicate entries – a fault report is published to pre-empt entry by another person.