Facebook login – a small button with a big effect
So, what started off as a university gimmick with the aim of networking a few friends has, in many respects, long been transformed into a sophisticated business model. This has also come to the notice of housing companies. For most players in the real estate industry, a strong social media presence is part and parcel of their public image. Absolutely everything – from new building projects to opening up apartments for rent or advertising job vacancies – is posted to attract the attention of a broad public.
However, numerous companies shy away from actually including a Facebook login in their own tenant app. This is a costly mistake, as many users find it tiring and time-consuming if they keep having to log on somewhere from scratch. In view of this, many portals give users the option of logging in via their Facebook account with just a single click.
An analysis of PROMOS customers who use easysquare apps with a Facebook login has shown that more than one-third of the users log in via Facebook. This amounts to many thousands of users who might stop using an app because they find the process of logging in by email too cumbersome.
The hesitation with regard to the Facebook login function may be due to a confusing mass of data protection regulations, combined with the impression that Facebook can be rather unpredictable. However, Stephan Wiedorfer, a certified specialist lawyer for industrial property rights, can allay such fears: “Ultimately, all services that use this login are subject to the new, extended data protection regulations just as much as Facebook itself.” Therefore, not only Facebook, but also service providers such as easysquare are compelled to comply with data protection regulations with all the associated consequences.
With regard to a much-used tenant app, Jens Kramer, CEO of PROMOS consult and founder of the easysquare digital brand, describes the logical consequence as follows: “It is not enough just to have a cool product. You must also market it well if you want to exploit the full user potential. People require, or at least prefer, apps that are quick and easy to use. The most obvious and effective solution here, therefore, is to make the process of logging into the app as straightforward as possible. Moreover, if you are investing in a Facebook presence anyway to address tenants and interested parties directly, does it not make perfect sense to make the Facebook login button available in your app too?”
If you have any questions on this, feel free to contact us.
Our experts will be happy to advise you.
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A Facebook login button makes an app more user-friendly and has been shown to increase user numbers.
[1.] tu-darmstadt.de
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