12th OpenPromos Anwenderforum – Back To The Future With A Finger Click
motivated we have started the first day at our 12th OpenPromosAnwenderforum . More than one hundred representatives from the real estate
industry have participated this year and were informed on the latest trends and
developments from the IT industry. After a short greeting by our CEO Jens
Kramer, Dr. Fabian Hemmert abducted us to the future of mobile technology and
critically questioned the relation between human and machine. Before lunch he
bid goodbye with the challenge to leave the cell phone and tablet PC in our
purses for the next 60 minutes.

afternoon was characterised by smart home solutions as well as the connection
of the areas energy efficiency, life supporting assistant systems and service
portals. PROMOS also presented a technological roadmap for the coming years and
enthused especially with diversity of mobile services of the easysquare
platform as well as new graphic surfaces.
In the evening the museum of natural history in Berlin was on the plan. For not few of our guests old childhood dreams were awakened. With the skeleton of the Brachiosaurus and the Archeopteryx as well as many more exciting highlights the participants travelled in a guided museum tour in the history of earth to be brought back to the year 2015 by Andreas Axmann with a finger click and fascinating iPad magic.

Modern and
with the latest tips and tricks it went on with the second event day. Numerous
customers discussed the newest solutions together with our experts of PROMOS
and presented successful project realisations. Besides the mobile property management especially the workforce management system of the the ALBA FS as
well as SAP HANA® were this year´s crowd puller.
After two days of the latest digitalisation trends our guests were leaving the 12th OpenPromos Anwenderforum to go home with minds full of ideas, impressions and contacts. At this point we would like to thank all participants and presenters for the large attendance and interaction! We look forwards to see the one or other familiar face again at the next OpenPromos Anwenderforum from the 29th to the 30th of March 2017!
You weren´t able to participate at the OpenPromos Anwenderforum but you got questions to one of our solutions? Then feel free to contact us!
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