Ready to Go for the Data Export to DATEV With the Suitable Interface
With the transfer of
accounting data to DATEV it is quite similar. With the difference that the
particular interface is not firmly fixed into the hardware, but implemented
into your SAP® system by PROMOS.
What that means specifically?
With the
PROMOS DATEV-interface you can export individual items, master data or balances
in the DATEV-import form. The provided mapping tables ensure a correct
assignment of original to target data. This way you can use data from your SAP®
system without any problems and without a manual transfer in the appropriate
DATEV software. To make sure no mistake happened during the export, a
simulation run can be performed in advance. Beyond that, the result list of the
selected document contains data for DATEV as well as the original documents
from SAP®, to make a comparison of positions possible.