Winter Services at the Touch of a Button
For the tyre change you will have to turn to the workshop of your trusts. In terms of safety precaution obligations we as PROMOS can help.
Whoever has been in a situation, in which an accident happened at the own property due to slipping on snow or ice, knows exactly what safety precautions are about. Because according to that, it´s the duty of property owners to secure their building, properties and all of the related infrastructures to prevent possible damage to third parties. That means now in winter sidewalks and trails have to be freed from snow and ice. With numerous properties and buildings this can easily get to a confusing case. That´s why these types of tasks usually get outsourced to external service providers. In this case the property owner is still in charge of supervision and control.
At this point the easysquare quality assessment is a useful digital tool, which not only offers an overview on existing duties. Also the transmission of duties to third parties as well as the audit of inspection results can be controlled with it. Additionally, the easysquare quality assessment scores with an embedding into the existing ERP-system of the property owner as well as with a simple linkage of operator and external service provider with a platform solution. Beyond that, the audit duties can be performed with the help of the easysquare mobile app (Figure 1). It not only offers a comfortable processing of tasks on site, but also an automated transmission of the results to the ERP-system of the property owner.
Whether snow or sun, with this solution you may
enjoy the winter time or use the time you won to change the tyres.

- Success Story "Minimising liability risks – quality management and assessment solution launched at ProPotsdam GmbH"
- PROMOS News "Property obligates – Safety precaution with easysquare"
- Success Story "A secure inventory – mobile property management in Basel"
- Further information about the easysquare Quality Assessment