EXPO REAL 2016 – Customer App Breaks Attendance Records at the PROMOS Booth
With a new look and logo we have started with this years´ EXPO REAL. Optically reduced and with the focus on the mountain top of Promos our fair booth has delighted many visitors. After 18 years the company has now gotten a complete makeover: The triangles, which symbolised our eponymous mountain range, have now changed into a striking image. And this change was celebrated together with our long standing customers and our visitors. With a loud bang and many pling we have popped the cork. And, if listened carefully, the one or other quiet but appreciative munch could be heard. We figured: Our cake, decorated with the new logo, went down well optically as well as flavourful.
We also hit the mark with our booth presentation about the Customer App. Prospects were jammed until the walkway, just to listen to the words of Thoralf Beyer and Jens Kramer about the opportunity of using the native easysquare Customer App in the private customer sector.
We want to thank all of our visitors for the interesting and refreshing talks and look forward to meeting you again.