Together At The Round Table – The Real Estate Talk With PROMOS consult
In November 2015 the specialist magazine „Immobilienwirtschaft“ hosted the first Real Estate Talk about the topic „Future of ERP systems – are disruptive changes coming?“ in Frankfurt am Main. Four decision makers have accepted the invitation and debated in a new format about which technologic trends become relevant for ERP systems in the future, which role big data and mobility play and which new requirements of users the IT needs to meet.
As software-providers the consulting houses of the Haufe group, Aareon, Yardi and PROMOS consult stand next to the technologic set screw for developments of powerful ERP systems and they know about appealing changes of the market.
the development of our innovations we no longer consider only our customer´s
wishes. Increasingly we also have to orientate on requirements of our customer´s
clients. And their user behaviour is going to develop with new services on our
smartphones quickly as well”, explains Jens Kramer, CEO of PROMOS consult and
participant of the five-person discussion.
and more answers were documented on a video and are available in a detailed article online at the “Immobilienwirtschaft” :