
Permanent Development Is Not An Idea, It Is Our Aspiration!

The continuous optimisation of our products is an essential credo of PROMOS. While doing so, we are not only drifted by the latest trends on the market, but we also listen accurately to our user´s requirements concerning our solutions! We are looking for specific developments for a customer that might be useful for another customer as well. This sustainable procedure is already known from PROMOS.GT, our solution library, which keeps developing permanently.

With easysquare workflow merged procedures including specialised tasks or complex release strategies can be controlled electronically. If a process is triggered, the single sub processes are allocated to the responsible processors automatically, where they can be processed step by step. An individual work basket shows every employee an overview on the processed tasks of the past, the present and the future. Little symbols next to the tasks are giving information about the number of sub steps needed to be processed. Tasks with red bubbles are own tasks, blue bubbles are tasks, which an employee is supposed to process as a substitute for someone else.

In a current customer project this colourful categorisation has been extended. As desired, we have also added yellow bubbles. With those it is possible to send working tasks to an entire team. The team member, which accepts the task first, gets it as an own “red” task in his work basket. For all the other members the task disappears from the work basket.

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