Observers Knock Out of Feet! The Easysquare Invoice Reception Workflow is Now on YouTube
With the help of easysquare invoice reception workflow , all digital process steps within the invoice processing will be prepared in your SAP® System. After scanning an invoice, it is possible to assign to the responsible employee using automatic indexing. For the employee, the invoice is transferred into a digital type and integrated to a well-organized working cage. In a detail view the employee could see each step and its condition; e.g. to decide the accuracy professionally or rather objectively and if necessary to order a correction of it. He is also able to release another colleague for legwork. Step-by-step the responsible staff could work off the measures from invoice processing to the booking into easyaquare workflow
Our short tutorial shows you, how easily the invoice management could be done in your own company:
It doesn`t matter if individual release strategies or applying the principle of multiple-assessor verification – PROMOS could display all the company characteristics with the easysquare invoice reception workflow . Thereby you save not only time with the digitalized distribution of the invoices, but also you optimize your process structures. Furthermore the entire processing is integrated and allows a transparent view at your SAP® System.
information might be interesting to you as well: Combine your easysquare
invoice reception workflow with the digital document of easysquare to benefit
of its full potential.
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Egal ob individuelle Freigabestrategie oder Berücksichtigung des Mehraugenprinzips – PROMOS kann mit dem Rechnungseingangsworkflow von easysquare alle denkbaren Unternehmensspezifika abbilden. Sie sparen dabei nicht nur Zeit mittels einer digitalen Verteilung der Rechnung, sondern ebenso durch die Optimierung Ihrer Prozessstrukturen.
Darüber hinaus ist der gesamte Bearbeitungsprozess in Ihr SAP® System integriert und kann transparent nachvollzogen werden. Weitere Informationen rund um den Rechnungseingangsworkflow von easysquare finden Sie auch in unserem Fachmagazin IT&I.
Vielleicht auch interessant: Kombinieren Sie den Rechnungseingangsworkflow mit der digitalen Akte von easysquare, um alle Potenziale auszuschöpfen. Lesen Sie hier, über den Weg der LWB zur Einführung der digitalen Mieterakte.