
Mobile timekeeping and travel cost logging with easysquare

A variety of properties needing to be supervised and the associated activities require an optimal management of time resources and a well and comprehensive generation of all accomplished tasks for the caretakers and facility managers.

With the easysquare app working hours and work travels can be captured mobile, efficiently and locally. All necessary data like the start and end of working time, breaks, vacation, illness, driven kilometers, and activities are captured in an electronic form and can be sent to the personnel department or to the ERP-system for further processing.

mobile Arbeuitszeiterfassung

mobile Zeiterfassung

The flexibility of forms not only makes adjustments to the business specific data possible, but also enables multiple choice on catalogues and assignments of data like a selection of particular objects and activities that were contractually agreed with the caretaker. Beyond that all income tax relevant data for work travels can be captured. This way the maintenance of those data in separate software is superfluous. The new calendar view in the easysquare app enables an intuitive and self-explanatory recording of data with a single click. Symbols visualise the status of the timekeeping. The employee can see whether the generation is complete at a glance. Additionally week and month overviews make target-performance comparisons for the captured hours possible.

You would like to learn more about mobile timekeeping? We look forward to informing you.
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