Goodbye paper – Wohnungsgenossenschaft 1892 inspects their apartments from now on with mobile devices
“Since April 2014 we´ve equipped ten managers with mobile tablet computers so that they can acquire and enter data of the apartment acceptance inspections locally and directly at the customer in our IT system without having to fight their way through a stack of forms”, Anja Miericke, authorised officer of the Berliner Bau- und Wohnungsgenossenschaft von 1892 eG. The company manages about 6,500 apartments in Berlin and deals with about 500 apartment acceptance inspections every year.
mobile solution, PROMOS supports the
association in shortening processes because data is captured in SAP® the
management system automatically, directly and locally at the apartment and not
later on, manually at the premises.
that, the error rate and the additional effort of correction is reduced because
making typing errors while producing reports
is now impossible”, is how Jens Kramer, CEO of PROMOS consult, describes the
additional benefit of this solution.
automation of processes goes as far as receipt of a tenancy termination directly
triggers an apartment acceptance inspection process. A digital form is automatically
sent to the tablet computer of the particular employee for processing. This
form already contains of all the key data from the building, fixtures and
fittings and the tenant data," Jens Kramer adds.
Miericke from the Berliner Bau- und Wohnungsgenossenschaft sees the addition of
further processes such as move-in handover, utilities bills, generation of
correspondence, administration of key data or the planning and monitoring of
services . “Then we could also connect technically with external partners, like
craftsmen or our residents and could save them time and effort as well” says
Anja Miericke.