Real estate industry rushing to digitise – PROMOS consult demonstrates the efficiency of tenant apps
The latest digitisation study by ZIA and EY Real Estate found that, today, every fourth real estate company invests more than 5% of its annual revenue in digitisation measures. More than three quarters of respondents to the survey stated that they are currently in the establishment or development phase. Here, digitisation has already moved beyond simple observation and experimentation with isolated individual solutions.
An important partner and digitisation expert is PROMOS consult, which has been THE provider of IT services in the real-estate sector for 20 years. PROMOS combines its innovations in the areas of apps and digitisation under the easysquare brand.
Reputable housing companies have already successfully implemented the innovative digital solutions from easysquare. In September 2019, PROMOS had more than 85,000 users on its digitisation platform easysquare. This represents a growth rate of more than 90% since the start of the year. During the same period, the number of monthly active users (MAU) rose to more than 45,000, which is an increase of 60%. In addition to these figures, thousands of anonymous users also access the property search. According to its own figures, the potential of all existing PROMOS customers is around 2.5 million users.
Jens Kramer, CEO of PROMOS and person responsible for the product development of the easysquare platform, is extremely pleased with the growth. “Our focus is on the economic benefit of easysquare products for our customers. We have analysed the relevant processes for the tenant and owner app as well as the potential tenant and rental solution and know that our customers already save more money than they spend with a digitisation ratio of just 10%. The large growth rates in 2019, which are primarily a result of successful projects to introduce tenant and owner apps, support us with this strategy”.
It is clear that a positive user experience is the basis for the success of the new process and business model. In response to this, easysquare recently launched a new, modern tile design to allow an even clearer and more user-friendly presentation. This realignment makes the overall application even more attractive.
A this year’s EXPO REAL, Thomas Bechteler, Head of IT and Organisation at Dawonia Management GmbH, presented the current status of tenant app features and gave an insight into further steps in a talk entitled “#efficiency boost – Die Mieter-App im Check” (putting the tenant app through its paces).
Mr Bechteler explains: “New business models and forward-looking technologies are developing rapidly. I view this as a major opportunity for our industry, too. Consistently making processes easier and more automated provides decisive efficiency gains and increases employee and customer satisfaction. We are looking forward to helping shape this digital future as a modern, innovative company. With our tenant app – in a new design and with enhanced functions – we provide our tenants with a service that is in tune with the times, simple and tangible”.
Interested parties can discuss these possibilities with representatives of PROMOS and its digital brand easysquare at Expo Real on 7–9 October 2019 at stand B1.011.
Live presentation: “Dawonia: #efficiency boost – Die Mieter-App im Check” – (putting the tenant app through its paces), 7 Oct. 2019, 4 p.m. at stand B1.011

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