Growth in the PROMOS data centre – migration of KoWo IT systems successfully completed
In addition to transferring and archiving the existing documents, the company has additionally transferred the old tradesmen’s interface, together with all existing orders and service entries, to the easysquare tradesmen portal including a credit note procedure.
Volker Schulz, CIO of PROMOS consult in the area of service, support and data centre operation, comments: “The project provides further evidence of our expertise in the field of system migrations. We have successfully merged 15 system interfaces as well as transferring, optimising and expanding existing systems.” Thomas Brösicke, Head of IT/Innovation Management at KoWo, adds: “PROMOS has turned out to be the ideal partner for us for the further development and operation of our SAP® ERP system. A key role in allowing the transition to run so smoothly was played by the great flexibility of the PROMOS consultants, who tackled and solved unforeseen problems in an innovative and solution-oriented manner.”
PROMOS operates its operating systems with cutting-edge databases and in this way guarantees adherence to the agreed service level agreements. The data storage is implemented within the German legal jurisdiction and is thus subject to the strict application of German data protection laws. The standard of PROMOS quality management is demonstrated each year by its certification in accordance with IDW PS 951 Type 2. The additional SAP Partner Center of Expertise (PCoE) certification shows that PROMOS also offers support and maintenance in line with the fixed SAP criteria, thus increasing the quality of its support. “KoWo has a tailored server infrastructure at its disposal with systems that are always state-of-the-art and meet the current legal standards for security and data protection,” continues Mr Schulz.
The transition also allowed the company to develop and introduce additional innovative solutions, particularly in the area of mobile processes, as well as to improve communications with tenants and business partners. “The technological foundations for our digitisation measures have been laid. We will, for example, be expanding our range of services with a tenant app, while at the same time simplifying business processes. Time-consuming data transfers and interface configurations will thus become a thing of the past. This increases efficiency, cuts costs and improves customer support,” says Mr Brösicke, describing the various advantages.
Kommunale Wohnungsgesellschaft mbH is the largest housing company in Erfurt. The city of Erfurt holds 100 percent of its shares. In the free state of Thuringia, the company has around 14,000 rental units, making it one of the most significant lessors of housing there. Alongside social commitment and social responsibility, the housing company places particular value on efficient processes, which it is achieving by simplifying and automating work processes and with the aid of a powerful IT system.
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