Church real-estate company HWS achieves milestone in digitisation
Torsten Friedel, COO and project manager at PROMOS consult: “This project allowed us to demonstrate all the benefits of our modular system PROMOS.GT. We were able to implement the new and innovative SAP release S/4HANA® with the latest in-memory technology and the easysquare digitisation platform on time and tailored to the customer.” Regular communication and the involvement of all departments at HWS, from the managers to the operational employees, made a significant contribution to the success of the project. “The collaboration with PROMOS was always pleasant and professional,” adds Jörn von der Lieth, Managing Director of HWS.
For HWS, digitisation plays a key role in the company’s further development and orientation. “With the switchover and the investment in a new ERP system, we have taken a great stride towards digitisation. Many of the individual steps that often had to be performed manually have now been automated, while processes have been streamlined and made more transparent,” says Jörn von der Lieth.
The digitisation drive will continue until 2019. HWS plans to expand the use of the easysquare digitisation platform one step at a time. In addition to the electronic inbox, mobile meter readings, and digitised handover and inspection of residential properties, there are plans to introduce an app for tenants and potential tenants.
HWS is the real estate management company of the Berlin-Brandenburg-schlesische Oberlausitz Evangelical Regional Church. It manages a portfolio of 10,000 units. In addition to regional church property, HWS manages many other portfolios of individual parishes, foundations and other church institutions. The managed portfolio includes twelve independent companies that will be fully integrated into the new ERP software PROMOS.GT.
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