Digital Housing And Monthly Utility Statements Are Possible For Tenants
By reference to concrete technology and systems experts were shown how daily routines in the apartment can be automated in the future.
“The trend on digital housing is growing and from my point of view it is no longer reversible. That´s what landlords need to focus on”, says Jens Kramer, founding shareholder and CEO of PROMOS consult.
Thereby the focus is on the raise of housing and living quality, safety and efficient energy consumption at private home. The network of the areas energy efficiency, life supporting assistant systems and service portals require a mutual information infrastructure. With the easysquare platform PROMOS consult offers a networking solution, which combines all areas with another and which can be a solution for the consumption demands.
“A great wish of the consumers is to be able to watch, monitor and control their own energy consumption in a better way. Thanks to the connection to settlement service providers and managers we can provide the tenant with a monthly utility statement via easysquare, which contains of a euro based value. Because for most of the tenants this information is a much more descriptive term than e. g. ‘consumption in kilowatt hour per square metre and year’. This way we create more transparency by the use of new technology and we go towards a reduction of overall costs of the household energy supply”, so Kramer.
With more than 100 participants the OpenPromos Anwenderforum has become a stable event in the real estate industry. The 13th OpenPromos Anwenderforum will take place on the 29th and 30th of March 2017 in Berlin.

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Mrs. Julia Franz
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