Study: Time saving in mobile property inspection with easysquare adds up to more than 50 percent
Goal of the work was to develop an improved property inspection process for the real estate industry and to find out how the use of a software product affects the gains in efficiency. In this respect the traditional standard method with papers was compared to the mobile processing with the support of the easysquare mobile app. Focus of this analysis was the associated time effort of both methods.
For the data ascertainment test subjects performed a property inspection in an appropriate test scenario with the preparation and the follow-up included. While the performance of the defined tasks in the “paper process” took 60 minutes in average, the test subjects performing the mobile property inspection only needed 26 minutes in average.
“This enormous time saving is basically traceable to three main reasons”, explains Torsten Friedel, Chief Operations Officer of PROMOS consult, who has mentored this study. “Significant master data, which are required in a property inspection, are already available in digital forms on mobile devices, whereas in paper forms they normally have to be filled in manually. This has reduced the test preparation to about one minute. The second reason is the substantial simplification of the local data capture with the use of mobile devices and digital forms. Exemplarily, the four steps of a preliminary acceptance can be performed parallel through deposited catalogues with a multiple selection of conditions and measures as well as the use of a photo editor. Though, the greatest time saving was realized in the follow-up. In the traditional process the transmission of gained data to the ERP system and the archiving took about 20 minutes. During the mobile property inspection this effort for the manual archiving has dropped completely because the mobile recorded data has already been transmitted to the ERP system automatically. In our opinion the use of mobile devices with the appropriate software solution will establish increasingly in the real estate industry considering these enormous gains in efficiency.”

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