Introducing: Interview with Theresia

Theresia Mussauer
Position: Professional Product Owner
At the company since: 2010
Company: PROMOS consult
Theresia Mussauer acts as Professional Product Owner. In this interview she introduces herself and talks about her job at PROMOS.
Hello Theresia! For how long have you been working at PROMOS now?
Theresia: I started in the financial department as a student in 2007 and switched to the team Real Estate Management afterwards. After my parental leave I became product manager and that´s what I´ve been doing ever since.
How does your usual work day look like, after the alarm clock woke you up?
Theresia: After getting up I´m bringing my son to the kindergarten and get on my way to PROMOS. My usual work day is characterised by about one or two meetings per day. Other than that I work on tasks around customer projects. That contains for example the generation of concepts, preparation of workshops or, as soon as the implementation stage has begun, testing of the application.
Developing a product, how can that be imagined? Are there certain steps?
Theresia: In general, our products are continuously developed within the customer project and adjusted to the customer´s requirements. That´s part of our business philosophy. Other than that the ideas are coming from Jens. He is thinking about solutions the customer might need in the future. Solutions, which the market doesn´t even know they might be needed, but which are very useful for making life better and easier. The actual product development begins with conception stage. Those are always pretty wild and emotional brainstormings within the team [laughs]. Then we´re practically coming closer to a solution concentrically until we´re reaching a final version. That version is given to the designer, who creates drafts out of our imaginations. At some point we´re reaching a final version again and know where we´re heading. We´ve also thought about going somewhere else for this creative process, to get new impressions. Because creativity mostly flourishes in obscurity and not in the office.
Can you explain what an “emotional brainstorming” means?
Theresia: It´s practically a psychological process. Often two different fronts are built within our brainstormings. We are starting with discussions, which keep getting more hot-tempered and even a little bit louder [laughs]. That stage of getting louder usually always has to be overcome until we´re able to find a consensus. It never gets personal though. It´s always for the cause. Then we often strike a balance, which satisfies everyone.
Are you always working as a team or are there decisions you´re making on your own?
Theresia: The main idea, e. g. “How would you design a chat functionality in the easysquare app?” is principally discussed in the team. The details are down to me or someone of my colleagues. Where and how the button has to be exactly – that´s what I do on my own.
What´s your personal daily incentive?
Theresia: The belief, that what we´re doing is going to be successful. Because in this format, with this connectivity and looking at all of the processes, it´s just completely new on the market. For example: On any old real estate platform apartments can be uploaded and searched. But everything happening behind is not considered. It´s a singular process. Our app can just do so much more than that: e. g. apartments can be searched and prospects can be compiled directly or inspection dates can be set up right away. And with this holistic view on the processes I´m truly thinking our product is unique and a really big thing!
Please describe PROMOS in 3 words!
Theresia: Unconventional, innovative and brave.
Thank you Theresia, for giving us an insight into your job as a product manager.
Theresia: You are welcome.