Challenge mastered – Innovative show on air

We kicked off the event with strategically valuable topics. Short video clips vividly illustrate what the real estate business of the future will look like. They included tenants able to control their own concerns via app at any time in a networked manner and real estate employees who have both hands free when they ask their Fiori® launchpad questions via voice control in the future. Things got highly relevant for our participants when we looked at the latest developments in utility costs and digital building management thanks to a clever combination of easysquare and SAP®.
This fireworks display of innovative digital themes was discussed by our experts with professional moderation in the opening show. But despite the digital format, our program did not aim to be a communicative one-way street. Thanks to the digital event platform, participants had the opportunity to ask our speakers questions directly in the live chat. The feeling of being in the middle of the action instead of just being there was palpable in the air. In addition to practical project reports, this year’s event also included the innovative speed sessions format. For about ten minutes each, our PROMOS experts gave exclusive live insights into PROMOS products. The keen interest of the audience confirmed our decision to make the speed sessions a permanent feature going forward.