Totally digital and ready to run! The new mobile solutions from easysquare for the entire real estate market

The mobile solutions from easysquare are based on more than 10 years of development and experience as to how to effectively optimise the work processes involved in real estate management. Today, the easysquare platform is by far the largest stand-alone installation for mobile processes in the German real estate business. For example, the mobile solutions are used to manage around 1.2 million homes. In addition to these figures, thousands of anonymous users also access the property search. Growth rates are rising, in part due to the increased demand for digitisation projects in the face of a pandemic.
Digital real estate management for all
At just the right time to fall in with the boost in digitisation, easysquare is presenting its new ready-to-run apps. These apps are ready to use immediately, offering a sophisticated range of features with a modern design and intuitive operation that supports the complete digitisation of professional real estate management. Here, the experience gained from 20 years of wholesale business is translated into practical solutions for the entire real estate market – from micro-administration to self-administration. Two-thirds of rental apartments in Germany belong to private owners. There is a desire for efficient, cost-saving and future-oriented management. The ready-to-run easysquare apps are the ideal solution to also support these actors in their technical progress.
The three digital musketeers: administrator app, mysquare and marketplace
The ready-to-run apps comprise a total of three apps providing an end-to-end solution for all areas of real estate management in small companies. The mobile solutions are intuitive and immediately ready to use, so you can get started right away.

Figure 1: The new administrator app is efficient and transparent, digitising all processes and bringing them together in a central location (left). The mysquare app allows tenants, owners and potential tenants to submit their requests directly in a straightforward manner (centre). The marketplace app offers all the options required for craftsmen and service providers to process orders digitally (right).
Administrator app
The days of paper-dominated business are over! The administrator app with the mobile app for iOS and Android and the web app for PCs is specially configured to meet the mobile requirements of administrators. Day-to-day operations are being digitised. Whether it’s your own portfolio or management for a third party – the digital desk is always with you. All forms and to-do lists are available on the mobile device and can be processed there. All processes now come together centrally and digitally – from the change of tenant and inspection in the context of legal safety regulations to placing rental advertisements online.
As all master data is available, every process step can be recorded and further processed digitally. This creates transparency between all those involved and between the various processes. An additional master data service has been created to differentiate between COA administration and condominium administration. This means that the administration of communal property and condominiums can be carried out separately or collectively in the app as required.
Units can also be marketed fully digitally, without the need for paper. Advertisements can be placed online on any rental platform at the click of a mouse. Applicants are also managed in the app and submit their documents completely without paper. General customer communication – be it with a potential tenant or existing tenant – can be made more efficient using the mysquare app. Building information, documents or appointments can be sent to tenants, owners, or potential tenants digitally with ease.
mysquare app
The mysquare app digitises communication channels efficiently and uniformly. All customers are thus reached, regardless of whether they are potential tenants, tenants or owners. The processes of sending information and receiving messages or reports takes place in conjunction with the administrator app, which assigns them to the correct lease or property fully automatically. This allows administrators to reduce the number of time-consuming phone calls and incoming e-mails, while receiving customer requests, such as service or defect reports, directly and in an orderly fashion via the mysquare app. What’s more, customers can also network with each other in their neighbourhood and thus strengthen their feeling of community. It’s a win-win situation for everyone involved!
Marketplace app
In order to map real estate business processes in a holistic manner with the ready-to-run apps, we now just need the third important pillar, namely technical processing. The marketplace app offers all the options required for craftsmen and service providers to process orders digitally. From preparing quotations and order processing all the way to service entry and invoice generation – every process can be quickly and transparently recorded. Orders or enquiries come from the administrator app and invoices can also be returned there. Even setting an appointment with the tenant or owner has never been this easy. It is now done simply using the chat function directly in the app. Providers can publish various offers and benefit from the short routes in the marketplace app. It is possible to search specifically for framework agreement partners. Private individuals too can use the mysquare app in the marketplace to look for craftsmen and service providers instead of performing renovations themselves. The editing process for craftsmen remains the same in the app – with no media discontinuity.
To sum up, the three ready-to-run apps are the ideal all-round trio for all real estate processes. A must-have for every management company!
Successful pilot projects confirm high demand
Aiming to cater to customer needs as much as possible in the further development of our ready-to-run apps, we work together with pilot customers. We take an agile approach and start by coordinating a rough framework for the priorities to be addressed. We then work together to develop universal solutions for individual issues and test them in close coordination. We can count on constant feedback from our pilot customers here and thus be sure that our designs are going in exactly the right direction.
Michael Hauenstein, Managing Director of the Barton Group
For example, we are developing the administrator app in close cooperation with the Barton Group. The Barton Group is a fully integrated, family-run real estate investment company based in Bonn that operates throughout Germany. We began here with two pilot projects and two caretakers. The aim is to digitise the processes of changing tenants, recording defect reports and documenting the regular legal safety regulation inspections. Following a test phase of nearly half a year with constant coordination and adjustments, the next step planned is to roll out to the entire Barton Group portfolio. Managing Director Michael Hauenstein expresses his satisfaction with the cooperation with PROMOS: “PROMOS is an essential component in the realisation of our digitisation strategy. For us, it has always been important to work together with an established company that provides us with competent and targeted support in digitising diverse operational processes in the context of real estate management – regardless of whether it involves a change of tenant, rental or recording defect reports. PROMOS has enabled us to incorporate our individual requirements into the development of the apps, while at the same time benefiting from efficient interface management by a single contact person for everything.”
Outlook: download and get started
Aiming to make it even easier for customers to get started in using the apps, we will in future be providing a product configurator on our website for the purpose of compiling and ordering the appropriate mobile solutions. In the meantime, we would be delighted to receive a contact request if you are interested.

Maxi Kalmutzke
Product Manager
PROMOS consult
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