Greetings from Madrid and Tirol

© Christin Schulz
Both Luise Krüger, 2016’s winner, and Christin Schulz, who won in 2017, completed their mandatory internship abroad last year, taking their scholarships from PROMOS consult along. This freed their minds to concentrate on gaining professional experience abroad and improving their language skills.
“High-quality training is the key to the future. That is why we wanted to use our programme to support young, qualified talents with innovative ideas,” explains Jens Kramer, Managing Director of PROMOS consult. The Berlin-based company has been provided a scholarship of 1,800 euros in collaboration with Wildau Technical University of Applied Science every year since 2009.
In their progress reports, they allow us a small insight into their experiences and inspire other students to embark on an adventure abroad. Students at Wildau Technical University have until the end of March to apply for the 2018 scholarship with an academic paper. You can find all the information as well as interviews with the winners from the past few years online at: