Making short work of minor repairs

Damage and regular maintenance are among the most time-consuming areas in real-estate management. From identifying damage to commissioning and paying for repairs, various parties and departments are involved. This increases the risk of media discontinuity within the process chain, which results in loss of data and time-consuming information research. This deficiency can be remedied with a digital networking platform that guarantees seamless transfer of information and thus rapid completion of orders. An example of this kind of platform solution is easysquare workflow from the Berlin-based IT company PROMOS consult.
Orders are initially recorded via a ticket system that records all notifications, regardless of how they are received, and assigns them to task categories. Thus, tenant notifications regarding necessary maintenance measures can be received via e-mail, phone, the app, a letter or in person and are immediately recorded in the central ERP system, where they are assigned to the relevant tenant or property record. This stores the entire history of completed measures, correspondence and invoices in one place.
Interactive portal for service providers
After order generation, the trade companies (usually compiled in a fixed bidder pool) are involved through the tendering process. Stored service specifications and unit price agreements allow immediate calculation of the project costs. Clearly defined advance agreements accelerate the process. After the trade company has accepted the offer, the write-protected order document with a complete service specification is generated in the ERP system. Operators can thus be sure that previously agreed services and prices will be binding.
Release by the operator allows service providers to make changes to master data within the property record. Changed brands or new room dimensions following reconstruction measures, for instance, are then automatically updated in the ordering party’s central ERP system.

Figure 2: Paperless inspections including meter readings or checks of heating systems, windows, walls, etc. can be conducted using a tablet or smartphone.
During all work steps, service providers have access to the stored service specifications and can use them to create service entry sheets. A keyword search makes searching for information easier for both parties. Trade companies can use this to filter out individual details within the extensive service specifications, while operators can easily find the properties in question, even amongst large portfolios – for example, if they only know the street name of the property or the company name of the tenant.
Use of familiar design structures
The tradesmen app, which is connected to the platform, is designed for privately used devices. The reduced interface therefore only contains the four categories that are required to carry out the work: Framework contracts, Contracts, Service entry and Company profiles. Within the order overview, there are seven different status displays that are based on existing deadlines. They range from ongoing or cancelled orders to those that have already been paid. Each new procedure appears with badges and is received on the smartphone in the form of a push notification.
The use of icons throughout rather than text-filled displays aids visualisation. A map function is also integrated for navigation between the tradesman’s company and the site of the work.

Figure 3: The information for digitising real-estate processes must be available both on mobile devices and the PC.
Communication in the digital space
While the work is being carried out, many queries may be addressed to the ordering party. Standard processes make the shift to digital space technology easier in this regard, too. A chat function allows service providers and the ordering party to communicate directly, for example to discuss the dimensions and prices of replacement parts. Photos can be added and sent at any time for better documentation. This also applies to arranging appointments between tradesmen and tenants. These are also visible to the operator, who can thus retain an overview of the work that has already been carried out and that still needs to be performed. Thanks to the workflow link, all master data for the property such as floor plans can also be accessed at any time via the app. The available details of the building are particularly important for the standardised quality assessment. Inspections with checks of heating systems, windows, walls, etc. can be completed in a systematic order without paper using a tablet or smartphone. Property handovers in the event of a change of tenant can also be performed entirely away from the office – including the tenant’s digital signature.
After completion of the maintenance work, the ordering party generates the invoice in the ERP system on the basis of the service entries. Like every other document generated on the platform, the invoice can be exported as a PDF file. A firewall and use of a secure, encrypted HTTPS connection (also used in online banking, for instance) guarantee secure data transfer within the platform between the ERP system, portal and app.
Reprinted by courtesy of the magazine Der Facility Manager issue 06/2017.

Jens Kramer
PROMOS consult
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- Article "Making short work of minor repairs"
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