PROMOS scholarship as a stepping stone to travel abroad

Since 2009, Jens Kramer, CEO of PROMOS consult, has been awarding a scholarship of EUR 1,800 to a student at the Wildau Technical University each year, thus promoting innovative ideas in the area of business administration, management strategy, processes and organisation. Any student in the “Europäisches Management” (European Management) or “Wirtschaft und Recht” (Economics and Law) departments can submit an essay on a progress-related topic to take part in the competition.
This year’s PROMOS scholarship is going to the 22-year-old student Luise Krüger to support her during the work experience she is planning to do abroad. Luise Krüger is in her fourth semester of a bachelor’s degree course in European Management and is particularly interested in international and European affairs. In her impressive essay, entitled “Unternehmen im Wandel” (Changing companies), she compares the development of a startup company in the banking sector with local bank branches. She explains the change that is taking place in this service sector by the ongoing external and internal changes in companies. “I anticipate that the significance of branches will decrease drastically over the next few years. This process is being accelerated by high competitive pressure, constant competition and, last but not least, digitisation,” she explains, thus substantiating the relevance of the topic.
Even while still at school, Luise Krüger gained professional experience abroad working in a Peruvian home for the disabled and helped with the home’s work with children. Her longest stay abroad was at a German school in Las Palmas, where she spent a voluntary social year working in the area of administration.
“I can well imagine working in a company with international operations at some point in the future. Moreover, I would like to spend a good few years of my life abroad. First of all, however, I will be concentrating on successfully completing my bachelor’s degree, after which I intend to begin doing a master’s. I hope that I will be able to do further work placements in the future so that I can gain as much experience as possible,” says the winner of the PROMOS scholarship.